E-Safety and Social Media Guidelines
Digital technology has become an important part of everyday life and offers exciting opportunities. However the increasing number of cases where workplace and community practice has highlighted inappropriate use of technology has demonstrated the need for clear guidance for workers, parents and the community around safer practice.
Parents, carers and everyone who works with children and young people whether in a voluntary or paid capacity, must always have a professional role in mind and consider how behaviour could affect reputation and employment whenever operating in the digital world.
Red Row First School has an ICT code of conduct for staff. It sets out the rules that all staff must comply with when using ICT facilities both within the school and away from the school.
The section covering online communication includes these statements:
We prefer that parents or children and young people do not add staff as a friend on social networking sites.
We do not use Facebook or similar online networking sites whilst at work.
We do not create, transmit, display or publish any material that is likely to: harass, cause offence,inconvenience or needless anxiety to any other person or bring the school into disrepute.
In line with safeguarding procedures, no comments should be made with reference to the school, its staff, governors, pupils, families, any persons associated with it or events.
We will not place any information regarding the activities at school, or the school in general on social networking sites.
It is the same for members of the school community:
Remember you are responsible for the data on your electronic communication device.
Do not behave in a way that could suggest that you are trying to develop a personal relationship with a child or vulnerable adult.
Do not post any content that could be deemed defamatory, obscene or libellous.
Do not post comments that exhibit or appear to endorse grossly irresponsible behaviour or law breaking of any kind.
The school’s updated social media policy has further information which outlines the legal consequences when inappropriate use of online services exists; such as intending to cause distress or anxiety by sending indecent, offensive or threatening letters, electronic communication or other articles to another person.
Conviction of a Summary Offence can result in a fine and/or maximum of 6 months in prison.